Members of the public are welcome to present a delegation to Committee or Council. Delegations shall be directed by the Clerk to the appropriate Committee, except where the Chair, Chief Administrative Officer or the Clerk determines that the matter is of such an urgent nature that there is insufficient time to direct the delegate to a Committee.
If you wish to present a delegation to Council, please submit the Delegation Request form below to the Clerk’s Office. Completed forms can be returned to or 30 Centre St, Orangeville ON L9W 2X1.
All requests must be received by 12 pm on the Wednesday one week prior to the meeting for inclusion within the agenda package.
Please use the following chart to help you determine which committee you should present to.
For Matters Regarding | Delegate to this Committee |
CAO’s office, Clerk’s, Emergency Management, IT, Human Resources, Finance, Procurement, Property | General Government Services |
Climate Change, County Forest, Facilities, Roads & Bridges, Waste Management | Infrastructure and Environmental Services |
Accessibility, Dufferin Oaks Long Term Care Home, Senior Services, Social Services (Children’s Services, Housing and Ontario Works), Land Ambulance, Public Health | Health and Human Services |
Building, Land Use Planning, Tourism (including Museum), Economic Development | Community Development and Tourism |
All other matters not pertaining to those listed above | Council |
Additional Information
- The names of all speakers and the subject matter to be discussed must be provided to staff for inclusion within the agenda and minutes.
- All handouts and PowerPoint presentations must be received by 12 pm on the Wednesday one week prior to the meeting for inclusion within the agenda and minutes. Electronic supporting material is preferred.
- All handouts and presentations may be reviewed by staff prior to the meeting and any content deemed to be inappropriate for a public forum may be removed.
- Delegations are limited to 10 (ten) minutes.
- Delegations may be refused if they are determined to be repetitious or not within the jurisdiction of the County.
- Please arrive 15 (fifteen) minutes in advance of the meeting as delegations are heard as one of the first items of business.
- All delegations shall speak respectfully and only on the subject described on the request form.
- During the meeting, delegations will obey the rules of procedure and any decisions of the Chair or Council.
- The Chair may shorten the time of any delegation for repetition, disorder, or any other breach of the Procedural By-law.
- Council may ask questions following the delegation.
- The Chair may expel or exclude any member of the public who creates a disturbance or acts improperly during a meeting.
- The Clerk reserves the right to redirect your delegation request to the most appropriate Committee.
Delegation Request Form
If you require an alternate format, please contact the Clerk’s department at